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Alliance Organization

Asia Rubber and Elastomer Federation (AREF) is an alliance organization established by the 6 founding members from the 5 countries, which are The Rubber-Elastomer Technology Association, Thailand (RETA), The Society of Rubber Science and Technology, Japan (SRIJ), The Rubber Society Of Korea (RSK), and The Plastics & Rubber Institute Malaysia (PRIM), Malaysian Rubber Glove Manufacturers Association (MARGMA), and All India Rubber Industries Association (AIRIA).

Alliance Organization


The Rubber-Elastomer Technology Association, Thailand (RETA)


The Society of Rubber Science and Technology, Japan


The Rubber Society Of Korea


The Plastics & Rubber Institute Malaysia


Malaysian Rubber Glove Manufacturers Association


All India Rubber Industries Association

The Missions of the AREF

The Missions of the AREF are to exchange people and knowledge and technologies in the field to motivate the rubber, elastomer, and plastics for the benefits of humankind with sustainability. AREF-International Conference (AREF-IC) is one of the activities to fulfil the mission through the networking, presentation, discussion, excursion, along with the technical and social programs. AREF-IC 2024 is the first conference organized by RETA under the support of all AREF members. RETA looks forward to seeing you in Khao Lak, February 2024.