Dr. Preprame Tassanakul
Rubber Authority of Thailand, Thailand
- 1987-2015: Scientist, Rubber Research Institute of Thailand, Department of
Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives of Thailand
- 1991-2001: Special Lecturer, Chemical Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Prince of Songkla University
- 1997-Present: Professional, Thailand Science Research and Innovation, Prime Minister's Office
- 1998-2015: Board Member, Department of Industrial Promotion, Ministry of Industry of Thailand
- 2010-Present: Professional, National Bureau of Agricultural Commodity and Food
Standards, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives of Thailand
- 2013-Present: Inspector, Quality of Rubber, Department of Agriculture and Rubber Authority of Thailand, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives of Thailand
- 2014-2017: Advisor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Prince of Songkla University
- 2015-Present: Director, Rubber Testing Service and Certification Center, Rubber Research Technology and Development Division, Rubber Authority of
- 2018-Present: Board member, Standards and Rubber Technology and Products, Rubber Authority of Thailand
- 2020-Present: Lead Auditor of GAP and GMP for rubber, Rubber Authority of Thailand
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