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Short CV

Speaker / Prof. Dr. Yasuaki Meada


Prof. Dr. Yasuaki Meada

Osaka Prefecture University, japan

Dr. Maeda’s academic results are categorized into six research fields.
  1. Rate and reaction mechanism of radical reaction in liquid phase.(1970-1980)
  2. Developments of new chemiluminescence analytical method of pollutants in air or in water. (1987-2017)
  3. Long distance transportation of air pollutants in Asian countries especially from China to other countries.(1989-2010)
  4. Applications of Sonolysis to the degradation of water pollutants, nanoparticles preparation, disinfection.(1995-2005)
  5. Acceleration of reaction in freezing.(1992-2009)
  6. Integrated Production of Renewable energy from biomass. (2005-2020)
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